I just came across a news story that has got something to do with terminally ill peoples' right to die possibly with the aid of a doctor. I have not read the complete story. However, I understand the crux as it is a familiar one.
This is a familiar story because a few months ago I read a similar story concerning an Irish ex-lecturer named Marie Fleming. I hope she is alive and gets better soon. At the time of reading she was suffering from multiple sclerosis. As much as I have an idea about this disease is that it renders the person totally dysfunctional and ambulatory. The whole story was sad as the whole family had appealed to the Irish supreme court for her to be given the right to die with assistance. This is indeed ironic specially concerning that the most instinctive of the human desires is to actually live and not to die. However, I presume that when pain overrides pleasure, people's desires shift.
At the time when I read the story I tried to find her contact details through the Internet. I was not fortunate enough to have found something valuable to that end. Finally I did manage to find the contact details of a few important personnel belonging to some Irish society of multiple sclerosis. I mailed a lot of them. I even called a couple of them on phone. The response I got from them was, however, not at all prompt or encouraging.
In the process of finding those details I also came across a facebook page for a Canadian organization called Dying With Dignity. They help people in dying with some assistance. It is assisted suicide of some sort.
The reason I called them was that at the time when I came across the news, I was also listening to a lecture by Ubqari Institute. In the lecture, Allama Hakeem Tariq Mehmood Chughtai told the listeners that if a person having any sort of neurological illness listened to surahs (chapters) At-Taghaaban and Ar-Rehman (the Beneficent) of the Holy Quran, he/she would heal. I do not remember now that for how long these should be listened to. I think it was recommended to listen for 41 days regularly and possibly 41 times daily. I am posting links to these surahs below. You can also download an audio file containing both of these surahs from the website of Ubqari. The audio file is designed to play one surah in one ear and the other in the other. Click here to download. Please appreciate the fact that recitation of the Holy Quran is in itself quite euphonic. Also try to read the translations. They are also nice.
So this was the reason I was trying to call them. Another thing I wanted to share was about death itself. One of the surahs of Quran is called Yasin. One of the functions of this surah is that if this recited close to a dying man, the process of death becomes easy. The dying person dies a peaceful death. A link to surah Yasin is also below.
If you or someone you know are suffering very badly then spiritual shower is for you. It is really good for instantaneously feeling good. Again you can read the pages of Ubqari magazine for many prescriptions for treating incurable diseases. There are many herbal as well as spiritual philters and prescriptions etc. that are really nice.
Check this out on Chirbit
The reason I refrained so much from posting this information here is that at the end of the day I do not feel like posting so much stuff pertaining to religion here. I felt that I should write about something else. However, I hope that this message would be sent across to the ears of Marie Fleming and the likes. May Allah forgive us all for our sins and remove hardships from us through his endless blessings.
On a separate note, there is no harm in listening to these videos specially if you are so much willing to die. Why not do something like listening to the Holy Quran before taking the last breath. What is the harm after all. May you live long though. And if you know Marie Fleming or anyone in her family in any way, please convey this message to her.
Death is inevitable. This is how a really sad letter titled approaching death by a late Toronto based lawyer, Edward Hung, begins. It is very sad indeed to read how he died and that he had to travel all the way to many places around the world to get himself cured as well as to arrange for someone to take his life. It is a pity that he had to die such a tragic death. So if death is so much inevitable and there is a person out there who is so eager to die, then why not try something different even if it is only for a while. Moreover, it is absolutely free.
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